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Conditions Treated by Physiotherapy

There are a large variety injuries and physiotherapy plays an integral part in the multi-disciplinary approach to the management of these injuries. The aim of physiotherapy is to treat and rehabilitate you after an injury or surgery to return you to your activities in the shortest possible time and to prevent further injury and loss of fitness.

Muscular aches: the most common muscular pain is back ache, which affects a high percentage of people. Physiotherapy can ease stiffness, reduce pain and encourage blood flow to the muscles. Massage therapy is also used to reduce tension around aching muscles.

Sports injuries: aches and pains are common following a frantic and physically demanding period of exertion. Often sports players have physiotherapy to ease aches as well as increase flexibility and ease stiffness. If an injury has occurred physiotherapy can facilitate the healing and rehabilitation process.

Arthritis: as people get older they are more likely to develop arthritis, which affects the joints and can reduce mobility. Physiotherapy helps to ease stiffness in the joints and to increase blood flow to the muscles and enhance the range of physical movement. Physiotherapy can also help to build strength. The exercises are often gentler for older people who are usually more fragile.

Respiratory problems: cystic fibrosis, which is a condition that primarily affects the lungs and digestive system can be helped by physiotherapy. Often physiotherapists can perform exercises, which help to cleat the chest and ease breathing.

Physiotherapy can also ease and control pain and improve posture, which will usually make it easier to breathe. Patients suffering from other conditions including pneumonia, asthma and lung cancer may also benefit from physiotherapy.

Rehabilitation: recovery and rehabilitation processes are instrumental to the well being of a patient especially in the case of a serious accident or a complex medical problem. In cases where an individual has experienced a serious accident such as a car crash it may be necessary to learn how to walk, sit up and turn over again which will require a long period of intensive physiotherapy; this rehabilitation may include all aspects of treatment in order to facilitate the healing process and control pain.

Post surgery: is the crucial process of re – establishing muscle strength, joint motion, full joint movement and restore full body strength and functionality, through physiotherapy sessions and exercises. Depending upon the surgical procedure that has one has gone through; the post surgery physiotherapy could well last from a month to a whole year.

We’re Here to Help

The Bali Physio offers patients exceptional care with a personalised treatment plan to suit your specific needs. If you are suffering from pain or have recently experienced an injury, we will ensure you get back to the activities you enjoy and love.

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