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Why Do We Need Physiotherapy?

Our modern lifestyle – with all its perks and benefits – has started to take a toll on our bodies. Back pain, knee pain, and neck strains have become everyday problems. People use over-the-counter ointments, oils, painkillers and sometimes, massages for such problems.

However, seeing a physiotherapist doesn’t cross anyone’s minds till things are so bad that they are actually referred to one by their doctor. In this post, we try and increase your understanding about times when you should seek a physiotherapist’s help.

Physiotherapists are trained professionals who help their injured patients get back to the highest possible range of movement. You may have sustained a severe injury while playing cricket or may have sprained your neck while sleeping; physiotherapists can help you in both situations.

Though all small sprains and aches do not need an appointment with a physiotherapist, here are some reasons why you may require one:

You are injured while playing

If you are a sportsperson or an avid sports fan, you understand the importance of taking care of yourself especially when you are injured. You need expert advice from a physiotherapist to give yourself a better chance at recovery and getting back to the state you were before you sustained your injury.

You live with chronic pain

If your pain persists more than a few days and affects your ability to perform day-to-day actions, you need to see a physiotherapist so he can identify your problem and come up with a treatment plan. If this is a recurring pain that occurs frequently after specific actions, then you must see a doctor immediately.

During and after pregnancy

Pregnancy and post-pregnancy, your body needs attention. Rapidly changing hormone levels can soften the ligaments, which support your back and cause them to stretch. The muscles of your pelvic floor and stomach also stretch as your baby grows inside you. If your joints are not well supported during this time, you can easily injure your pelvis or back. A physiotherapist can teach you the proper techniques and exercises to support and protect your body as it goes through these changes and help you recover faster after the baby is born.

During and after surgery

Physiotherapy is essential both pre- and post-operatively. Pre-operatively, the risk of developing complications after the surgery is assessed. The physiotherapist will explain to the patient all the exercises that he/she needs to perform post-operatively. Patients who are undergoing cardiac and chest surgeries will be taught how to cough properly while supporting the wound site. Depending on the specific surgeries, patients will also be taught various leg and other exercises they will need to perform after the surgery.

Post-operatively Physiotherapy is given for four main reasons depending on the type and location of surgery performed – to prevent chest complications, to prevent thrombosis (or clots in the blood), to prevent pressure sores, and to prevent muscle wasting and joint immobility.


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